By Mike Doherty, President, BMS
BMS is a service business. We provide various building maintenance services to our clients, and we strive to differentiate ourselves. We aspire to be excellent.
That covers a lot of ground. We work hard to figure out what gets us there, and we believe that a large part of that involves looking beyond the financial bottom line. “The Triple Bottom Line” says that a business’s success should not be measured just through profits, but also through social and environmental actions. At BMS we continually dedicate our resources, materials and expenses toward giving back. Our efforts have made a measurable impact.
Social Giving
Giving back to our employees, our communities and our clients is a basic tenet of our Corporate Philosophy.
We have established BMS University to improve our field supervisor’s skills in English, report writing and budget skills. These skills are portable and improve their ability to advance in BMS or elsewhere. Additionally, we reimburse up to $5,000 for continuing education for our management employees.
We’re proud of our re-investment in our staff, but, of course, it’s good for BMS as well. Business works when everyone benefits.
As we give back to our employees, we must also give back to the communities in which we do business. These communities support us, and it’s important to return that support. BMS is involved in a number of charitable organizations in our community, frequently in partnership with our clients. Some of these worthy causes are: The Torch Foundation, Mickey Steele, Higher Achievement, Children’s National, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, to name a few. We recognize that while it’s important in general to give, businesses that give back to communities generally become known as good citizens. These are businesses that thrive.
Environmental Giving
Our commitment to sustainability benefits our employees, our clients and our communities. We have instituted measurable sustainable practices across our company. As an example, last year alone, we estimate to have saved over 19,000 trees through our paper product and packaging reduction efforts. Our sustainability program improves air and water quality, eliminates material going to landfill, and much more, while also improving our bottom line. Everybody loves a Win-Win!
What’s Your Triple Bottom Line?
Every business should have its own version of “The Triple Bottom Line”. This is ours, and we are very proud. Our practices benefit the community, our employees and clients, as well as the overall success of BMS.
It’s hard work and nobody does it better than our team! I think the results speak for themselves.